How to write an essay in English correctly. Ways to Build an Essay and Useful Tips

Writing an essay in English requires from its author not only a high level of language proficiency, but also erudition. If an exam awaits you soon, you will be interested to learn how to write an essay in English for a high score. In this article we will talk about the types of essays, how to build them, common mistakes, and also give examples of essays.

Ways to write an essay in English

There are several types of essays, the choice depends on the assignment and topic.

Method 1: For and against Essays.
One of the most common and reliable ways to write an essay is to apply the sandwich principle. Its essence is to bring the arguments “for” and “against”, that is, the topic is considered from opposite points of view.

The plan for writing an essay in English of this kind will look like this:

Introduction Here it is necessary to reformulate the topic in your own words without expressing your opinion.

Arguments “for” the expressed thought or idea. The expressed opinion should be defended with a listing of arguments and examples.

Arguments “against” statements. Here the opposite point of view should be presented. There should be a marker in front of the paragraph to indicate that the opposite opinion will be presented. It could be “However …”. Suggestions are given – an expression of disagreement with the expressed point of view and the reasons for this disagreement.

Conclusion In conclusion, his own opinion is given, based on the above arguments for and against.


Tip 1. Before you start writing an essay, make a list of arguments for and against.

Tip 2. It is advisable to start each paragraph with a thematic sentence reflecting the topic of the paragraph.

Tip 3. You should not use short phrases and conversational style. As well as strong verbs (e.g. I know …, etc.). You need to express your opinion in a milder form and in an unemotional way (it seems to me …).

Способ 2. Opinion essays

Эссе-мнение отражает собственную точку зрения автора. Сложность заключается в том, что необходимо рассмотреть тему с разных сторон, высказать несколько точек зрения и аргументировать свою позицию по этому вопросу.


Введение. В этой части вы знакомите читателя с темой и последовательно излагаете свою позицию по этому вопросу.

Основная часть. Основная часть содержит несколько параграфов, каждый их которых отражает свою точку зрения с приведением убедительных доводов и примеров, в поддержку вашего мнения. Один из параграфов может содержать противоположное мнение.

Заключение. Вы вновь формулируете свое мнение, но уже иначе, чем в первой части, опираясь на доводы, приведенные в основной части.


Совет 1. Внимательно ознакомьтесь с заданием и четко определите ваше мнение относительно обсуждаемой проблемы.

Совет 2. Определите перечень пунктов, по которым вы хотели бы выразить мнение – они составят основу сочинения.

Совет 3. Подберите идею или фразу для каждого пункта.

Совет 4. Во вступлении сделайте ссылку на необычное видение проблемы, задайте читателю прямой вопрос или приведите интересное и оригинальное высказывание.

Method 3: Suggesting solutions to problem essays

This type of essay implies the presence of a specific problem, for which a solution must be proposed.

Introduction In the introductory part, it is necessary to clearly formulate the problem and the reasons for its occurrence, as well as to identify possible consequences.

Main part. Solutions to the problem and the likely consequences for each solution should be proposed.

Conclusion The reasoning given in the main part is summarized.

Tip 1. Follow the sequence. Do not jump from one idea to another. Clearly articulate a solution to the problem and the consequences that may occur.

Tip 2. Do not put forward a new idea to solve the problem in the conclusion – this is contrary to logic.

Example Suggesting solutions to problem essays
Example Suggesting solutions to problem essays

 Download sample Suggesting solutions to problem essays

Where to start writing essays in English

  • Do not use abbreviated forms of words. For example don’t or isn’t, etc.
  • It is advisable not to use brackets and exclamation marks in the text.
  • Sentences should not begin with the words and, but or also.
  • The conclusion should always reflect your own opinion on the topic.
  • When writing an essay, use introductory words, cliche phrases.
  • The volume of an essay is usually 200-250 words.
  • Leave time to check grammar errors.
  • When preparing for an essay, memorize a few cliche phrases on various topics.

Common spelling mistakes

Three common mistakes made when writing an essay

Mistake 1. Using conversational style and abbreviated forms.

Error 2. Deviation from the topic (probably in the hope that they will be appreciated for writing at least something).

Mistake 3. Using too categorical phrases.

One of the most important aspects of successful essay writing is continuous training. Before the exam, you should study different topics, learn standard phrases. We hope that our tips and tricks will help you write an essay in English for a high score.